Screwdriver extraordinaire at work
2018 marks the thirtieth anniversary of one of Rotterdams oldest artist run initiatives, Kunst & Complex. Mainly active as a studio building, we also program exhibitions and up until the recent renovation we had three very affordable guest studios for artists from all over the world. To celebrate this special anniversary we are throwing an exhibition (and party). The opening is this Saturday and works by current and former K&C members are on display.
And as I am typing this I realize that this October it is exactly ten years ago that I moved into the building (holy shit!).
Adres: Keileweg 26, Rotterdam.
Openingstijden/hours: 13/14 en 20/21 oktober, woensdag-zondag, 12:00-1700
Full line up: Ellen Dijkstra,Olaf Mooij, Duotuin, Marianne Fontein, Ludo Hoes, Jason Terlouw, Paul Kolbrink, Joep van Lieshout, Roland Spitzer, Eveline Visser, Marit Shalem, Jeanette Ephraim, Mia van den Burg, Hotel Modern, Lotte Bovi, Marielle Buitendijk, Katrein Beukers, Charlotte Schleiffert, Jeroen Kuster, Lisa Blaauwbroek, Rowan van As, Tomas Schats, Niels Post, Wilco Kwerreveld, Onno Poiesz, Henk Spronk, Riemke de Jong, Alex Jacobs en Ellemieke Schoenmaker, Jan Hoes, Stefan Gross, Marcel Swint, Barbara Witteveen, Ludo Hoes, Jozef van Rossem, Margre Steensma, Anne Kolbe en Petra van Noort