Februari 3- 8, 2009.
An exhibition organised and curated by Jeroen Bosch and myself as part of our ongoing Trendbeheer presenteert exhibition series. For this one we worked together with the good people of Proximity Magazine who brought a selection of Chicago based artists. The exhibition was up for six days including a lively night program of performances, video- screenings, food and Champagne therapy. This was the main side exhibition during Art Rotterdam 2009.
Participating artists were Jeroen Bosch, Marc Bijl, Juan Chavez, Koen Delaere, Éditions/ Büro Atelier, Hadassah Emmerich, Erosie, Aron Gent, Florentijn Hofman, Cody Hudson, Marcha van den Hurk, Jeroen Jongeleen, Esther Kokmeijer, Jeroen Kuster, Jason Lazarus, Mathijs Lieshout, Overal thuis, Niels Post, Abner Preis, Proximity Magazine, Michael T Rea, Rotterdam VHS Festival, Daan Samson, Charlotte Schleiffert, Sebastiaan Schlicher, Sighn and Brian Ulrich.
See also Trendbeheer…-art-rotterdam and Trendbeheer…artrotterdam
The At home anywhere house by Esther Kokmeijer and Henrik Jan Haarink, doubled as the busstop for the Trendbeheer shuttle service.
Sebastiaan Schlicher, Dive, 2008.
Sebastiaan Schlicher, Customer Services Hello, 2008.
Sebastiaan Schlicher, BCBG I, 2008.
Daan Samson, No Title (the presentation of baby Samson), 2006.
Florentijn Hofman, Stucked Mole, 2008
Abner Preis, The lagoon, 2009.
Marc Bijl, Never Mind and The artist as a young father, Marc Bijl / Arno Arts 2003.
The curated artstore bij Éditions/ Büro Atelier
Marcha van den Hurk, Forest & Shira, C-print drawing, 2008
Niels Post, Video wipkip, 52 kilos worth of television, 2007.
Bar by Mathijs Lieshout
Inside the bar there’s a secret playground/ clubhouse only accessible to those who are able to figure out the code to the padlock.
Jeroen Kuster, Hirudinea Balaena.
Jeroen Kuster, Ctenocephalides Leptanilliae.
Niels Post, Surveillance camera #2, bronze, 2007.
Jeroen Bosch, grey paintings, 1998.
Niels Post, Site-adjustable wallpiece, bronze, 2008.
Aron Gent, From the North series.
Marcha van den Hurk, Charlotte at Tiergarten, mixed media, 2008 and Beau at Aris, mixed media, 2008
Erosie, random image generator #05.
Esther Kokmeijer, Reduced world, 2009
#1 N 52° 00.800’ / E 097° 43.400’
#2 N 54° 51.300’ / W 025° 17.170’
#3 N 43° 39.190’ / E 090° 08.550’
#4 S 13° 59.500’ / W 060° 27.600’
#5 N 06° 29.900’ / E 018° 42.000’
#6 S 25° 18.700’ / W 136° 17.900’
Koen Delaere, No title, 2008
Tuesday february 3
Grande opening tuesday february 3 2009.
Great food by Daniele Pario Perra and Lucia Babina.
Performance by Abner Preis.
Wednesday february 4
The city council of a Parisian banlieu visits.
Jeroen Bosch gives a tour to students of the St Joost academy of fine arts.
Thursday february 5
Reception for the Art Rotterdam VIP tour.
From 18:00 till late, the Nieuwe Garde Tostitreffer (food) with Michel Ebben.
Friday february 6
The Whatspace Oyster & Tequila bar.
After 22:20 Champagnetherapy VIPs Art Rotterdam.
Saturday february 7
18:00 Sushi Fest.
22:00 till late, Amerikan Teenager @ Kunst & Complex.