Hand sawn, lacquered poplar plywood and electronics, 2015.
[click settings in YouTube player to switch to HD image quality]
Contribution to the exhition The Secret Self at Nest in The Hague (NL, March 22 – May 10, 2015).
With works by Dafni Barbageorgopoulou, Graham Dolphin, Clint Enns, Rebecca Llanos Farfán, Henrike Naumann, Emma van der Put, David Shrigley and myself. Curated by Yasmijn Jarram.
Lectori Salutem centers around the hail to the reader, the ‘Dear Recipient’ of email spam. It is a selection of salutations found in my spamfilter, all starting with the word ‘Dear’, hanging from the ceiling and rotating around their axis.